Local 405


local 405 strong

April 2024 Mindful Minute
Sound the Alarm
Sound the Alarm


local 405 strong

April 2024 Mindful Minute

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 405 was chartered in 1911 to help electrical workers in eastern Iowa bargain for safer working conditions and a better quality of life.

Take Advantage of
Great Pay and Benefits

If you’re an experienced electrician who wants a better quality of life,
or an aspiring electrician who is looking for an apprenticeship,
the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 405 is here to support you. 

Take Advantage of
Great Pay and Benefits

If you’re an experienced electrician who wants a better quality of life,
or an aspiring electrician who is looking for an apprenticeship,
the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 405 is here to support you. 

Text Signup

Local 45 Text Messaging

We are in the process of setting up bulk texting to improve communications with our membership. This option will allow us to send our members notifications of special meetings, social events, volunteer opportunities and to remind individual members when they are behind in dues payments. The bulk texting will be used in moderation and will only be used for union related business. In order to receive these important communications, each member will need to give consent (opt-in) via the signup button below.

The 3-step process is very simple:

We encourage everyone to opt-in; this will allow us to improve our local and ensure that our communications are reaching everyone.

Member Login

New Member? REgister NOw